Schedule Powerful Conversation #1

Boost comfort and effectively hack your sleep like Linus!

adrenals anxiety cortisol depression sleep Mar 09, 2020


You have most likely seen the new and trending weighted blankets on the market. They are an easy, inexpensive additional intervention to help reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, and more!

When we experience issues with poor sleep quality, it impairs our cognitive performance, memory ability to learn new information, and impairs our concentration. Impaired sleep also affects our brain growth and repair (neuroplasticity), decreases our productivity, and affects our emotional wellbeing an intelligence. People with impaired sleep quality also are more likely to experience increased anxiety and depression as well as irritability and moodiness.

We also know that impaired sleep affects our physical health including but not limited to:

  1. altering cortisol regulation
  2. appetite and hunger dysregulation
  3. dysregulates blood sugar and inflammation
  4. increases incidence of stroke, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's,
  5. contributes to autoimmune disorder activation
  6. Can contribute to joint stiffness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations


There is a small amount of research and a great deal of anecdotal evidence regarding how weighted blankets work. The weight stimulates deep pressure touch receptors which calms the nervous system much like getting a massage or a tight hug, a firm cuddle, stroking or swaddling. This is a similar concept to wrapping an anxious, fearful dog in a thundershirt for the calming effect. The pressure stimulates an increase in serotonin and melatonin secretion.

  • quiets your mind
  • feels like a hug
  • gives a sense of security
  • decreases anxiety
  • encourage restful sleep
  • Helps decrease tossing and turning
  • Increases the duration of my sleep and
  • I wake up more energetic, rested, and alert

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Kids know this pressure effect instinctively when they ask to be "tucked in" to bed. I remember asking my dad to tuck me in. He would either make sure the blankets were tightly tucked UNDER the mattress or all around and underneath my feet and body.

I have purchased a weighted blanket in the last 3 months and am loving it! I think It helps to decrease tossing and turning at night, I sleep for a longer duration and wake up feeling refreshed, alert. There is no need to spend $200+ on an expensive, one time purchase of a weighted blanket.

My Niece and my Mom have also experienced the positive benefits of weighted blanket I gifted them for their birthday! They are loving it! 

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